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Test results

Getting your test results

Please allow two weeks as a minimum for the results to come back and be commented upon by the healthcare professional reviewing your results. The surgery will contact you if the healthcare professional feels this is necessary.

We will not contact you about every test result, only those that require explanation or some action.

Once a doctor has reviewed your test results, you can view them:

  • in your NHS account (through the NHS website or NHS App)
  • in your NHS App account
  • by phoning us on 020 7619 6670 and we will tell you what the results are
  • as a text message, if you have consented and it is applicable

Questions about your results

If you want to talk to someone about your results, fill out a test results request form and someone will be in touch.

Results explained

Blood tests

We understand that waiting for results can be a cause for concern. We have tried to make the process more accessible and easier for patients to understand. We would advise patients to use the NHS app to view any recent lab results. Most lab results will be available to view within two weeks of having your tests. However, some results may take longer. Once the doctor has reviewed the results and filed them you will be able to see the results in the NHs app with a comment next to them.

Your doctor will contact you by telephone, SMS or email either to update you or explain relevant test results or to ask you to make an appointment if they need to discuss the result in more detail with you. We will not contact you if your results are normal and require no further explanation or discussion.

Urine tests

The commonest reason for sending a urine sample is when there is suspected infection. If the lab confirms there is an infection, and we need to contact you to start treatment. You will be contacted by SMS or by telephone. If you have already been commenced on treatment and you are on the correct treatment you may not be contacted. If the test results are not clear, you may be contacted to repeat the test by providing a new sample.

Microbiology swabs

If the lab confirms there is an infection, and we need to contact you to start treatment. You will be contacted by SMS or by telephone. If you have already been commenced on treatment and you are on the correct treatment you may not be contacted. If the test results are not clear you may be contacted to repeat the test by providing a new sample.

X-rays and scan results

It can take up to 2 to 3 weeks for the result to reach us once a scan is performed. For time to time some of the hospitals may have longer backlogs in reporting. Please check with us by contacting us via the online form to confirm we have receipt of your result before making an appointment with a doctor to discuss. Your doctor will contact you by SMS or email either to update you or explain relevant test results or to ask you to make an appointment if they need to discuss the result with you. We will not contact you if your results are normal and require no further explanation or discussion.

Tests requested in A&E, hospital or a community clinic

If the test or investigation has been requested and arranged by your hospital doctor or community service, the result will go directly to the requesting service. For patients seen in outpatients the relevant specialist will arrange to see you for a follow up outpatient appointment to discuss the result. In some cases, if there is a more urgent test result, they will contact you sooner. Since many of these tests are specialist tests it is not appropriate for your GP to interpret them or discuss the clinical implications. So please direct any enquiries regarding investigations requested in hospital to your hospital team. In some cases, we are asked to check results done in A&E as they do not have the capacity to follow patients up once they have left the department, for example, urine or swab results. If this is the case, please speak to our medical secretary and we will try and obtain the result.

Page published: 9 May 2023
Last updated: 2 July 2024