Understanding Blood Pressure
Your diet, exercise levels and weight have a real effect on your blood pressure. If you have high blood pressure, you can start lowering blood pressure today by eating more healthily and being more active.
www.bloodpressureuk.orgHigh Blood Pressure
View information on high blood pressure (hypertension) symptoms, causes and if you need to lower your blood pressure.
NHS: High Blood Pressure
Patient Info: High Blood Pressure
Decision Aid About Treatment Options (PDF)Advice on Choosing a Blood Pressure Monitor
There are a wide range of home blood pressure monitors available, which can seem confusing. The most important thing is to make sure it gives you accurate results and is easy to use. Whatever monitor you choose, make sure that it is:
– clinically validated – this means it has been tested and gives results that you can trust
– automatic(digital) with an upper arm cuff – these are the easiest to use and most reliable
– within your budget – you don’t need to go for an expensive machine, it just needs to be clinically validated and easy to use
The blood pressure machines on this site have all been validated by the British and Irish Hypertension Society or you can be guided by your local pharmacist.
www.giftshop.bhf.org.uk/medical-devices/blood-pressure-monitorsBlood Pressure Monitoring
You may be asked to record your blood pressure at home as this gives a more accurate indication of your normal blood pressure than a one-off reading when you come to the GP surgery.
Online form
Submit 7 days of home blood pressure readings to the practice
Blood Pressure Monitoring Explained (PDF)
Clinic and home treatment targets (PDF)
Home blood pressure diary (PDF)
Blood pressure
Page published: 2 July 2024
Last updated: 2 July 2024