Being cancer aware
Being Cancer Aware
Since the COVID-19 Pandemic, less and less patients have been contacting their GP with symptoms they think might be cancer, and as a result there has been a reduction in GPs referring patients on for possible cancer partly due to this. We at the Goodinge Group Practice strongly encourage you to make a telephone appointment with one of the GPs if you are worried you might have a symptom that may represent cancer. We are very much here to listen and to help you, and are keen to go through your concerns and discuss whether you need more tests.
Below is a video message from some of North London’s lead GPs for Cancer Care about Being Cancer Aware:
For more information and a helpful diagram about different parts of the body where people get cancer and corresponding symptoms to look out for, please click on the link below: of Bowel Cancer
The commonest symptoms of Bowel Cancer are:
1) Change in your bowel habits – looser, runnier stools (poo) that can’t be explained by something else (like a stomach bug)
2) Bleeding from the bottom or blood in the stool
3) Unexplained persistent abdominal pains
Here is a link to information about other potential symptoms you should be aware:
It is important to keep in mind that there are many potential reasons for these symptoms that aren’t cancer, however if you do notice them then please speak with one of our GPs to discuss it further.Being Breast Aware
Breasts, like any other part of your body, are unique to each individual. It is therefore very important for woman to be familiar with their breasts and what is “normal” for them. You can do this by examining yourself regularly, which will make it easier to spot any changes to seek help for.
Here is a link about being breast aware: your Testicles
Testicular cancer is rarer than the other cancers above, but it is commoner amongst men in their 20s and 30s.
This is why it is important men learn how to check their testicles early on and do so often. Speak to a GP as soon as possible if you notice any changes you are worried about.
The link below describes how to examine your testicles and what to check for: Cancer
Prostate Cancer is the commonest Cancer amongst men in the UK. The symptoms can be subtle, or sometimes not apparent at all, and as such it is important we all are vigilant to what prostate cancer is, what to look out for and who may be at higher risk. Please see the video below for further information about Prostate health:
Although it is common for men have changes in the urinary function as they get older, below is a list of symptoms that should prompt you to speak to a GP about potential causes, including prostate cancer:
– Passing urine more frequently
– Waking in the night to pass urine
– A feeling of significant urgency when needing to pass urine
– Changes in your stream, for example an interrupted flow, straining to encourage flow, or still needing to pass more urine even after you thought you’d finished
– Blood in urine or in the semen
Unfortunately, some people are at a higher risk than others of developing prostate cancer, depending on their underlying “risk factors”. If you are at higher risk you may wish to make an appointment with the GP to discuss this, even if you don’t have symptoms. The link below takes you to a quick screening tool, which can advise you about your personal risk level, and provide further information and advice based on this.
Check your risk in 30 seconds –
The Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) test is a blood test used in the diagnosis and treatment of prostate cancer, amongst other tests. On its own it NOT a “Prostate cancer test”, as it can be positive in conditions that are not prostate cancer, and can be falsely negative in about 15% of cancers. It is, however, something your GP may request when investigating for prostate related conditions. Before you agree to a PSA test, it is important to know about it, what the results would mean and what other tests we night ask you to do. You can find this information at the link below:
Prostate cancer – PSA testing – NHS (
The link below provides comprehensive written information about prostate cancer, including risk factors, treatment and the process of referral is this is necessary:
Cancer support
Camden, Islington ELiPSe and UCLH & HCA Palliative Care Service
The Camden, Islington ELiPSe and UCLH & HCA Palliative Care Service provide specialist care in community and hospital settings for patients with life-limiting illness.
Their palliative care specialists include nurses, doctors, occupational therapists, physiotherapists, social workers, clinical psychologists and assistant practitioners.
Website Cancer Referrals information
For more information about your urgent cancer referrals please see our leaflet: Urgent Referral leaflet (PDF)
Information for Urgent Referrals – Arabic (PDF)
Information for Urgent Referrals – Turkish (PDF)
Information for Urgent Referrals – Somali (PDF)
Information for Urgent Referrals – Polish (PDF)
Information for Urgent Referrals – Chinese (PDF)
Information for Urgent Referrals – Bengali (PDF)
Information for Urgent Referrals – Urdu (PDF)Macmillan Support
Macmillan provides physical, emotional and financial support to help you live life as fully as you can.
0808 808 00 00
Website matters
Dying Matters is a coalition of individual and organisational members across England and Wales, which aims to help people talk more openly about dying, death and bereavement, and to make plans for the end of life.
www.dyingmatters.orgLondon Universal Care Plan
The Universal Care Plan (UCP) is a digital care plan based on what mattes to you. It allows your wishes, along with your individual care and support needs, to be shared digitally with healthcare professionals involved in your care in London. A care plan can be created following a conversation between you and your healthcare professional (such as a doctor or nurse)
One London – Universal Care Plan website