T&Fi Stay and Play
Stay and play fun with soft play, singing and making for families with under 5s. Meet other families and take part in creative activities each week.
07572 111 564
T & Fi Soft Play | Baby & Toddler Classes Near Me | Happity
tandfisoftplay@gmail.comHealth And Green Social Prescribing Activities In Caledonian Park
New health and social activities starting at Caledonian park from Monday 21st September.
For further information, please see our Health And Green Social Prescribing Activities In Caledonian Park pageHolloway Neighbourhood Group
Holloway Neighbourhood Group provides a warm welcoming community centre service at the Old Fire Station to adults of all ages in Islington. They offer a wide variety of exercise and activities for all levels of ability and mobility, including: gentle exercise for men, women and mixed groups, exercise to music, yoga, pilates, t’ai chi and various dance projects in partnership with tutors and companies.
Community Centre phone
020 7607 9794
Stress Project phone
020 7700 3938
www.hng.org.ukHillside Clubhouse
Mental health rehabilitation project with a focus on employment/education. They support people into employment, work placements, training and education.
They have a strong emphasis on confidence building and preparation for work by giving members ownership and responsibility for the running of the Clubhouse.
07908 191 777
Community groups
Page published: 2 July 2024
Last updated: 2 July 2024