Age UK Islington
Age UK Islington has a fantastic “locality navigation” service which helps Islington residents (of all ages >16yrs) with everyday living and well-being. They can help with everything from benefits and housing applications to finding a local dance class or mobile hairdresser!
Website on your Doorstep
Help on your Doorstep is a new Islington Service providing support with benefits, housing and debt, as well as numerous other wellbeing activities.
www.helponyourdoorstep.comCitizens Advice Islington
Citizens advice is able to support with a wide range of issues including finances, benefits, housing, debt, employment, family and immigration. They can be contacted for telephone or online advice, and can arrange to see people in appointments.
www.islingtoncab.orgIslington Gov Social Care and Health
Find support to live your life independently if you have an illness or disability.
Search for information about social care in Islington, health services, support for carers, assessments and paying for care.
Welfare and care navigation advice
Page published: 3 July 2024
Last updated: 3 July 2024